Plain language summary: I am a geologist who primarily studies the planet Mars to understand volcanism, climate and the the origins of life
Research Interests: The origin and volcano-tectonic evolution of planetary crusts; chemical weathering and planetary climates; origins and evolution of life (astrobiology)
Education: PhD 2005 Arizona State University; MS 2002 Arizona State University; BS 1999 Bowling Green State University
Teaching: Leaving Earth (how we will live in space one day soon); Remote sensing (how we measure the earth from satellites in space); Sedimentary Environments (how eroded rocks are transported and redeposited to capture evidence of life and environment)
Recent news and developments
Michalski wins Tencent Explorer Prize in 2023
Joe became the first foreigner to win the science prize
Michalski becomes a Hong Kong RGC Research Fellow
Joe will study ancient martian volcanism and tectonics.
HKU receives sample of the Moon
Yuqi Chan of Michalski’s research group was the first in Hong Kong to receive samples of the Moon returned by the Chang’e 5 spacecraft.
Michalski receives CRF grant to explore ancient lakes on Mars
Ancient lakes trace climate and habitability on Mars 3-4 billion years ago.
Exploring volcanoes and hot springs in Iceland
Joe traveled to Askja, Icleland in 2022 to explore geology and mineralogy of volcanic systems analogous to those on Mars supporting a GRF grant awarded in recent years.
Awarded GRF grant to analyze sulfate rocks on Mars
We will explore the contact relationships between clay deposits and sulfate deposits on Mars.