Employment Opportunities
Planetary Spectroscopy & Mineralogy Laboratory
Hyperspectral image of Meteor Crater, Arizona
PhD Student Opportunities
I am always looking for clever, creative, committed students to join our group. There are many areas of study available in planetary geology, volcanology, astrobiology, and more. I am open to interdisciplinary projects with the Dept of Mathematics in which we can apply machine learning and AI to remote sensing analysis. One of the best avenues for students to explore is through the HKPF scheme, which provides well-paid, competitive, prestigious fellowships to excellent international and local students from top universities. This is not the only possibility however, so if you are interested in applying, please get in touch.
Postdoc Opportunities
The Research Grants Council in Hong Kong operates the RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme available to excellent local or international candidates. The scheme is competitive, but well paid and offers quite a lot of flexibility. There are a number of possible directions one could take related to impactful science, including planetary science and Astrobiology with my team. Please get in touch if you are interested. Aside from this special program, I can occasionally take on a talented postdoc if the candidate is motivated and the timing is right. Please get in touch if you are interested.
thermal springs within a huge caldera in New Zealand hold clues to the origins of life
volcanoes in central Iceland
Masters Student Opportunities
If you are looking for a 2-year program as a graduate student, there are plenty of opportunities for great candidates who want to gain experience in fundamental clay mineralogy or geological/spectroscopic mapping of Mars using remote sensing data. Please get in touch for more details.